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Author's Checklist > For Authors and Reviewers > Author's Checklist

  • □  Submitted manuscript must be written using MS-Word template.
  • □  The manuscript must be composed in accordance with the style specified at the template.
  • □  The name(s) of author(s) must be written full name in the order of first name and surname.
  • □  The name(s) of author(s) and affiliation must be matched, and the affiliation should include the department.
  • □  In case of the manuscript with multiple authors, the name of the primary author should come first and be followed by co-authors in accordance with the contributions.
  • □  The corresponding author should be identified by adding a super scriptive asterisk(*) on the name, and an e-mail address should be given on the bottom of the first page.
  • □  Please use the corresponding author’s email address at the affiliation's email server on the manuscript file as well as the submission system.
  • □  Abstract should be written in 100 ~ 200 words in length.
  • □  Key words should be 5 ~ 6 words.
  • □  Arrange the manuscript in the following order : Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References.
  • □  Captions of tables, figures and photographs should be written with capitalized first letter of the sentence.
  • □  The serial number of the section titles should not be missing.
  • □  Figures, tables, photographs and equations should not be missing.
  • □  SI unit must be used, and symbols and units should be well defined and consistent throughout the manuscript.
  • □  The manuscript must comply with the "Research Publication Ethics Code".
  • □  All references must be written according to "Bylaws for Writing Drafts and Papers" of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, and referred in the main body of the manuscript.

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